Hello, and welcome to my blog Waiting in Heels. My name is Danisha. Although I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, my family hails from Panama and Jamaica. My mother used to always tell me that I needed to know God for myself, but it wasn't until I got older that I fully appreciated her admonition. Even so, I believe my upbringing in a Christian household helped shape the woman I have become today. I'm now learning not only that God is truly the best friend that I can ever have, but also what unconditional love looks like as I grow in my relationship with Him. I am always amazed by God's grace and favor in my life in spite of how disobedient I have been at times. I'm most thankful that God blessed me with the gift to write and dance. I love to use my talents to the glory of His name, and this blog is just one of the mediums I use to inspire others and reach people for Christ.
Being a single woman myself, I often hear other single Christian women ask, "How do you date in 2015?" or "When will the one ever show up?" So often we focus on the end goal of being in a relationship, but we forget about the here and now. Well, I have become convinced that what we do in our season of singleness will help prepare us for that special someone, so it is imperative that we start this journey by taking a good look at ourselves.
I used to waste this waiting period by complaining and focusing on my situation instead of learning how to become complete through God's pruning process. I broke down one day in earnest prayer and asked Him to show me what I needed to do to be all that He called me to be when He created me. Like many of you, I wondered what His will was for my life. His answers to my prayers rushed through me and flowed through my pen as I recorded my quality time with Him in my journals.
Waiting in Heels is my "before" story, as I am still waiting and walking this same journey with you. I pray that through this blog you will be able to relate to, laugh at, cry with, and be blessed by my journey as well as reflect on your own story and see where God is leading you. I am by no means perfect. Actually, I am a HOT MESS at times (smile). But just like many of the stories of people in the Bible, we know that God can take a mess and turn it into a masterpiece.
Thank you for taking this journey with me. Now, get your journals ready, because we have a lot of work to do!
Stay blessed & fabulous
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”