Addressing the Elephant in the Room: A Conversation About Culture and Mental Health

Your mental health is important, yet too often, we find ourselves placing it on the back-burner instead of making it a priority.

The state of your mental health will affect the quality and other aspects of life, impact your values, influence your decision-making process, and could also modify your behavior.

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5 Dating Habits We Can Learn From Watching The Tinder Swindler

In making that one decision to swipe right, three women had their lives turned upside down. Instead of finding the love that they dreamed of, they each found themselves in an unforgettable nightmare.

The love that they quickly fell for was later discovered to be an elaborate ruse concocted by an international conman!

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Intentional Love: The Kind That Lasts

“The dating pool needs a permanent lifeguard.”

This is what ran through my mind as I reviewed the numbers and results from various polls and studies of American singles. Those numbers were staggering, and that was America alone. I couldn’t help but wonder how we got here.

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Don't Let Your Hot Girl Summer Die!

A woman who thinks well of herself won’t let others treat her less than her worth. Check your self-talk and affirm the positive in yourself daily. Keep doing the growth work needed for you to be fully able to love the skin you are in!

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Are You Approaching Dating the Wrong Way?

Take your time. Let go of seeing potential as your cue to make him into what you want him to be. Meet him where he is and ask yourself: if he never changes from this point on, would I be okay with that?

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Playing Hide & Seek: My Alopecia Journey

We hide when we are ashamed, when we’re scared, or when we don’t feel like we are going to be accepted. We hide for fear of judgment; we hide from our past mistakes. We hide our true selves, believing we aren’t good enough, smart enough, lovable enough or worthy enough. It’s a cycle that can root itself deep in our soul, and if we aren’t careful, the cycle of hiding will even continue within the confines of the sacred union of marriage. Hiding limits true intimacy with those closest to us, so it’s a stronghold that needs to be addressed before entering marriage.

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Losing My Religion

Because grace was seldom shown to me growing up, my view of God was distorted. I saw Him only as someone to be worshipped and feared. I was more scared of falling and failing than I was eager to know Him as the gracious, loving, and forgiving Father He is. Even into my adulthood, when I joined a different type of church community, I was still stuck in the fire and brimstone mindset. The remnants of legalism still laid deep within. I had to change how I saw God.

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Three Things To Do Differently in 2017

In just the first week that we have been in the year 2017, I’ve walked past fitness centers, churches, and juice bars that seem to be a lot more crowded than they were the last week of 2016.  On social media I’ve also encountered numerous empowering slogans accompanied by elaborate vision boards. Everyone is looking to start the New Year off as a new person, but what exactly does that entail? 

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Dismantling the Perfectionist Syndrome

Have you seen any of those symptoms in your own life? Do you find yourself wanting to move forward but won’t allow yourself to do so unless everything comes together first?  Sometimes the coming together of a thing can only happen when your first step is to simply trust God to provide the resources and support you need along the way.  

If you need encouragement in this area, read on…

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Understanding the Blessing in Counterfeits

Nobody wants counterfeit money, but we often run after counterfeit relationships.  Counterfeit relationships can either cripple your walk with Christ or serve as a blessing. The blessing is often found in the lesson learned, but as a follower of Christ, it is up to you to not only determine what the outcome of your engagement with counterfeits will be, but to also use discernment. Not everyone is meant for our good.

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Becoming a woman of FAVOR

Throughout the course of this blog, I have shared a lot about the lessons I have learned during my season of singleness. This might tempt you to believe that I have it all together, but I still have my struggles like anyone else. I still struggle with loneliness, self-doubt and focusing on my time table over God’s.  This always happens when I take my eyes off of Him to focus on what I think I lack. 

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Bag Lady

One of the most detrimental things we can do to sabotage our future relationship with our spouse is to carry unnecessary emotional baggage in the here and now, especially the baggage of un-forgiveness.  It impedes our growth, stifles our relationships, and puts unrealistic expectations on people to fill a void that should be turned over to God.  As unglamorous as this topic may be for some, un-forgiveness may be the very thing that is blocking you from receiving the full manifestation of God's blessing in your life.

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