5 Things Art Class Taught Me About Potential by Lease L. Youmans

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During my junior and senior year of high school, I enrolled in an art class. When I was in 7th grade, I had come to the realization that drawing was not only something that I did well, but it was also an activity that I loved and enjoyed; I was a natural at it. I could look at something, and the next thing you know, I had captured it on paper. 

Although my abilities as an artist helped me to become an “A” student in my art classes, there was a problem. I was still performing below my full potential to truly capture what I saw on paper. So, even though many would have considered me better than most, I was not the best that I could have been. Reflecting on those years, I’ve been able to pinpoint five areas that could have helped me realize my potential, if I had utilized them properly. I hope that you find them applicable in your season of waiting as well, so that you can reach the full potential of who God wants you to be before He brings a spouse into your life.

1. The Importance of Time

Time is one of our greatest assets, and it is not to be wasted. Once time is gone, we cannot get it back; therefore, we should invest our time wisely into the things that matter; the things that we say we want to accomplish or be better at. There are skills and desires that God has placed inside each of us that require time to be developed or realized. And when we choose to dedicate our time to their development, we will find that when they come forth, the lives of others are going to be changed, impacted, and transformed for the better. 

2. You Must Remain Consistent

Consistency will lead to success, especially when you are performing activities or exercises that are in alignment with your desired outcome. Many people will never reach their full potential or even tap into it on a deeper level, because they are not consistent at anything that they set out to do. You must keep going and trust the process, even when you are not seeing or experiencing the results that you desire. 

3. Life Requires Continual Growth & Maturity 

We only know what we know, and no matter how much we have mastered, there will always be much more for us to learn. Life is about progression, through which we grow and mature. We are not meant to stay stuck in one phase or season in life. When we are not growing, taking in new information, learning from those that are more advanced, or maturing through our different life experiences, we become stagnant. Stagnant water sinks. There must be a steady flow of growth and maturity in our lives if we want to experience all that God has created for us. For every great level you have reached, you must remember that there is always going to be a greater level to be reached.

4. The Importance of Being Intentional

When we are intentional about doing something, we are purposeful about it; we have a plan as to how it is going to get accomplished. You can’t just “wing it”. You must be intentional. There were times in my life when I knew where I wanted to be or what I wanted to get accomplished, but I was not purposeful about achieving those things. This can lead to just barely making it and ordinary outcomes instead of extraordinary outcomes that will change your life and impact the lives of those around you. 

5. God Calls for What He’s Imparted Within Us

God has placed within each of us great potential to fulfill the purposes that He has created us to fulfill. Throughout our lives He calls for that potential to come forth. The call can be made in various ways, through opposition, problems that need solutions, chaos, projects where we create or invent something new, challenging relationships, financial hardships, job loss, starting a business or ministry, motherhood, entering a new marriage, and more. 

Each Friday we had to turn in five drawings that were supposed to have been completed over the course of the week. Every Thursday night, I would sit down and complete my five drawings. Each week I would receive five A’s. Sounds great, right? It did to me and to my classmates; however, my teacher knew me. “Lease”, she would say sternly, “you will never earn an A+ in this class!” She would then go on to tell me how she knew that I had rushed through my assignment the night before. Looking around the classroom, I would see a bright red A+ on many papers, however none of those papers were mine. 

When we have not put in the time, remained consistent, stayed in the process of continual growth, or been intentional about achieving our goals, certain events (some might even call them “tests”) will arise in our lives that place a demand on our potential, and we will continually fall short, missing the mark. Yes, we may look good to those on the outside looking in, but God will know that we could have done better. Don’t allow yourself to keep missing the mark because you are not willing to dig deeper. Dig deeper through prayer, worship, and by being a good steward of what God has placed on the inside of you. 

Back then, I was 16 years old. Today, I’m in my forties, and I can still see my art teacher standing in my face and looking me straight in the eye, speaking to the potential that I had on the inside of me. She was placing a demand on me to bring my potential up to a greater level. She was letting me know that I was better than just an A or even an A+. She was letting me know that even though I was better than most, I wasn’t the best that I could be by a long shot. I hope that through the post, you can feel my heart calling forth your potential. I hope that you have been equipped and encouraged to be the best that you can be, so you can experience all of God’s best for you.



About the Author

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Lease L. Youmans is a Life Evolution Coach, author, and speaker. She helps women to walk in purpose and prosperity while maximizing their potential.