Resolving to Live 2016 with Purpose
As I sat with a friend and complained about how hard the latter part of 2015 had been for me, she listened for a while before gently responding, "Maybe your 2015 would not have been so hard if you had just done what God instructed you to do." Ouch! You see, God had called me to tell my story and create this blog, but I was too focused on my own limitations. Like Moses, I felt inadequate for the assignment. I ran away, became discouraged and even postponed my original launch date for my blog. Allowing criticism and doubt to take over, I waited several months before I decided to trust God and take that final leap of faith.
Has God called you to do something that you have been running away from? Maybe like me you're looking at your current situation and feeling unequipped. Maybe the failures of your past make you feel unworthy to put yourself out there. Whatever your particular "excuse" may be, they all stem from one thing...fear. It could be fear of failing, fear of embarrassment, fear of rejection, or even fear that the call is too much of a risk. Am I just talking to myself? I don't know about you, but I see nothing but fear as the culprit behind why I didn't do what I was called to do.
“God has not given unto us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
If you are the type of person that makes New Year's resolutions, I would encourage you to make one of your resolutions about stepping out of your comfort zone and into your purpose. The thing about purpose is that it's not a one size fits all. The same way our Father handcrafted us all to be unique in appearance and personality, He has also given each of us a unique purpose. Stepping into your purpose may not feel comfortable at first; it may call for risk and pure faith, but fear and faith cannot occupy the same space at the same time. You have to chose one.
When Jehoshaphat received word that he was about to be attacked, he immediately became fearful. But even though Jehoshaphat was afraid, he did something in spite of his fear, he prayed. Jehoshaphat knew the only way to win the battle was to put God first (you can read the complete story in 2 Chronicles 20-one of my favorite biblical stories).
The victory is ours, sisters. Whatever you are waiting on God for, whether it's a husband or a job, a family of your own or financial increase, know it's already done. However, I'm learning how I wait on God is more important than what I am waiting for. I know it's hard-remember I'm waiting just as you are-but here are some things I have learned about waiting and purpose that will help us both on this journey:
Trust: Sometimes we tend to believe that we need to help God direct our paths, so we get involved and try to manipulate situations and/or people. But God doesn't need our help, He needs our trust. If you believe He can do it, release control and trust Him to do it. I know it's easier said than done, but it's necessary nonetheless.
Praise: We may hold onto things with one hand and want to receive from God with the other, but God calls us to empty our hands-to be in Todah (total praise with uplifted hands)-so He can fill us and provide for us. It is when we lift Him up and esteem Him above all else that we realize how small our problems are in comparison to our great God.
Providence: As cliche as the statement "If He called us to it, He will bring us through it" is, I'm learning how true it is for believers. If God has purposed something, He has already made the necessary provisions. Just because I can't see it doesn't mean He hasn't already made a way.
Faith: I stumbled towards the end of last year. I was out of God's will because I was fighting the process. But guess what, it's not a fight I can win. Just like Jehoshaphat, God sometimes calls us to be still. We don't always have to come out swinging as if our life mirrors a boxing ring. It takes too much energy, time and tears to physically fight a battle that is spiritual. The battle belongs to God, so why are we trying to take it on ourselves? All that is required of us is to have total, unadulterated, sometimes painful but necessary FAITH.
Let Go: Whether you know your purpose or you're seeking it out as part of your New Year's resolution, know that what God is birthing in you to help advance His kingdom may not be easily accepted by others. I have seen God bring people into my life and take others away within the span of a year. I'm learning that not everyone is going to get it, though for a while I actually allowed criticisms surroundings God's vision to get me off track. Beware of distractions! Purpose comes with distractors. The devil knows God is using you to advance His kingdom and the enemy will do whatever he can to get you off track.
Accountability: It's true that not everyone will support God's purpose in your life, but God will bring the right person to believe, pray with you and hold you accountable. We all need an accountability partner and a prayer warrior that will have on what I call their God lenses, to see what you may not always see during difficult times. If we look back at the story in 2 Chronicles, it was Jahaziel that gave Jehoshaphat that word that helped move him forward, and God gave Jehoshaphat the victory in the end!
Pray: Spiritual guidance is a necessary component in fulfilling your purpose, so be sure to spend quality time with God. This is how I stay encouraged, release my fears, and gain insight and direction. But most importantly, this is how I build my relationship with God.
Strength: None of the points I outlined can be accomplished in our own strength. It takes the supernatural strength of a supernatural God. He will strengthen our hearts and be strong in our weakness. As you press on, He will give you the comfort you need.
As we bring in 2016 and write down the things we are believing God to do, let's resolve together to live out God's purpose for our lives. Take the risk and step out in faith in whatever area He has called you to. Remember, He has already prepared you for it. Let faith, not fear guide your steps in this upcoming year. Who knows what doors will open when we focus on Him instead of your perceived limitations?
Thank you for reading my first blog post and walking along this journey with me. At the end of every blog post, I will leave you with some questions to answer in your journal during your alone time, and I will list book recommendations that helped me in the past that I will hope will help you as well.
Stay blessed & fabulous
You sister in Waiting,
Journal Questions:
What is your purpose? If you don't know it yet, spend some time seeking to discover God's purpose for your life. Use your journal to write down your thoughts. As God reveals it to you, write it down!
What areas in your life have you allowed fear to cripple you from completing or seeking God's purpose in your life? What are you "holding onto" that God is asking you to release in order to completely trust Him and walk in faith?
Use a "vision board" as a visual tool to document what God is showing you. Be sure to put your board somewhere you will be able to see it every day as a reminder of your purpose and goals for the new year. Christine Kane gives an awesome example of how to create a vision board. Also, you can utilize my Pinterest site for more "how-to's" about creating your board.
Book: "Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren
Devotional: "The Open Window" by Catherine Galasso-Vigorito