My Valentine's Day Message to You!
I was driving in my car the other day when a combination of emotions from that morning and all the unanswered questions I had from God began to boil up inside of me. The next thing I knew, Worry had entered my car and was sitting beside me. But this wasn't the first time that Worry had been a passenger in my vehicle. It's actually more like Worry is a close companion of mine.
You know how it is with Worry. It doesn't matter where we go or what we do, Worry is always somewhere nearby-tagging along during our waiting season, and even meddling in our prayer lives. It's a love hate relationship because you don't want to live with it, but it seems like many of us cannot live without it.
The scary thing about being a woman of purpose is that it pushes you to live in an uncomfortable, uneasy place. Ironically enough, that's the perfect environment for worry. The conditions are just right. I can say that I am Waiting in Heels, but how am I waiting, and what am I holding unto as I wait? I asked myself that question as I sat in my car that day, and it was at that moment that I decided to my the middle of traffic...on my way to work. Worship.
Why Worship?
Worship takes our focus off our limitations and places it on a limitless God. We often look forward to the end result, while overlooking the pruning process that is a necessary means to reach the end goal. Being complete in Christ takes time, and we have to learn to be patient with ourselves. How do we handle our waiting? Do we worry, complain, and throw temper tantrums (I know I'm guilty of that one)?
Or do we say:
"God you're bigger than this mountain I am facing...You've come through for me before, and I know you will do it again...You are not bound by time or space...My latter days are greater than my former...All things are possible through you...Sit on the throne of my heart, Lord...You are Alpha and Omega...Have your way in my life...Your promises are 'yes and amen!'"
When I began to vocalize what God meant to me, my heart was filled with peace. My BIG problems became SMALL. I had a song in my spirit, and worry was no longer on the passenger side or in any part of my mind.
The Truth about Waiting
Here's what I know about what it means to wait on the God I serve. I hope it can be an encouragement to you as well:
You are not forgotten. God has a great plan for each and every one of us. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Let faith be your companion as you wait. Without it, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)
Your temporary situation has an expiration date! (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Walk like you already have whatever you are believing God for. Do not let your prayer life become an avenue for you to complain. Talk to God and believe that it's done. (Hebrews 11:1)
God lives in our praise! Praise is not situational, neither should our relationship be with God. (Psalm 22:3)
Worrying changes nothing! (Matthew 6:25-34)
Singles, let's not waste this season tirelessly trying to be found. Live! Life doesn't begin when God blesses you with what you've been waiting for. Abundant living is now. (John 10:10)
God's promises are true. If He said it, He will do it...period! (Numbers 23:19)
Don't give the enemy your joy. If the enemy is messing with you, that's a good thing! It means even he knows God has greater in store for you. (Ephesians 6:12)
Worship and praise changes things. They pull us into an intimate trusting relationship with God and takes us out of the driver seat. (Psalm 95:6) & (John 4:23)
Worship or Worry?
What are you carrying this Valentine's Day?
I'm learning that when I relinquish control, as scary and as uncomfortable as it may be, I'm filled with so much joy, love and fire for where God is taking me, and I am able to see opportunities and doors open when I take the limits off of God. Take this day not to focus on what you don't have, but to give thanks for all you do. You never know what doors are opening in the midst of your worship as you walk in your purpose.
Though I usually end with journal questions, I leave you this time with action items for Valentine's Day and a book assignment to read if you haven't read it already.
Stay blessed & fabulous
You sister in Waiting,
Action Items:
Don't isolate yourself on Valentine's Day. We all have someone we can show our love to, whether it's going out to eat with friends or spending time with family. Make today about loving the ones that are already in your life and loving you. Give thanks that God loved you so much that He sacrificed His son for you!
If you haven't already, read the recommended (not endorsed) book listed below. You can also go online to discover your primary love language!!! Do you already know yours? Feel free to comment and share.
Book Recommendation:
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman