Pokémon Go: the Modern-day Compass for Believers
Pokémon Go was a huge sensation this summer, drawing interest from kids and adults alike. The augmented reality-based app created a bridge between the digital world and the real world and managed to get thousands of people to leave their homes and walk in whatever direction the game sent them. Players were aimed with one mission and one mission alone: to hunt and collect these creatures, train them, and then use them to fight against Pokémon owned by other people.
Personally, I never played the game and have no desire to, but as I watched people give in to the summer trend, one thing became evident to me. Pokémon Go is just one of many ways technology keeps us plugged in to a source other than God. Though technology provides many benefits—including the ability for me to share this blog with you—it has also become a major source of distraction.
When we place more emphasis on the newest gadgets and games than our relationship with God, we are filling our minds with distractions. Many believers are distracted, and the devil knows it. And he will use those distractions to not only lead us away from God, but to sever the bonds of communication with Him; therefore, we must be on our guard!
What’s Guiding You?
Scripture tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). We do that best by reading the Word of God. The more we fill ourselves with the Word, the more it influences the decisions we make. What you consume has a direct correlation to what you speak, think, and do.
Pokémon Go is just one of many ways technology keeps us plugged in to an alternative source. What I find most fascinating about the Pokémon Go concept is that it is an active sport. You have to move in order to obtain your goal, allowing the game to become your compass. How many of us are letting things or people become our guide? Can we distinguish God’s voice from our own desires?
Maybe playing games is not your thing, but social media has your heart. Be honest with yourself. When you wake up in the morning, what is the first thing you reach for? Your phone to check in on social media or your Bible? Not judging, sis, but history does repeat itself, and just like the children of Israel chased after other gods when they were in their season of waiting, we are becoming a generation that seeks anything but the kingdom of God first. What are you chasing after? What has your heart and attention?
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me… Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them.”
The Power of Distraction
an interruption; an obstacle to concentration
The children of Israel may not have had social media in their day, but they were well acquainted with what it means to be distracted. When God took longer than they would have liked to bring them into the Promised Land, they began to complain and desire what God had delivered them from instead of trusting and believing God had something better in store for them. My season of waiting has taught me that distraction is the most powerful tool the enemy uses to take our focus off of God and put it on a “temporary” solution. Why not have sex while you wait?
We have to understand the sole purpose of Satan is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Satan knows if he can get you to compromise & forfeit your inheritance, then he has won. Anything that pulls you away from God has the ability to rob you of your inheritance of eternal life with Him. The trappings of this world will not help you in the next, so pay attention and keep a constant guard on your heart and mind.
“Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up.”
A Relationship Malfunction
One of the biggest issues people tend to have with modern day technology is that it replaces face-to-face interactions and waters down the intimacy of relationships—including our relationship with God. Pokémon Go is no exception. Everyone’s eyes are glued to their phones. You may go out and “hunt” creatures with friends, but your attention is mostly focused on your phone instead of who you’re with.
One day I was outside with one of my friends and her husband, when he asked a complete stranger to move his car forward from its parking spot, because there was a creature underneath the car that he had to capture. I was stunned. All over the nation it seemed as if grown men and women were so engrossed in the game that it nearly cost them their lives. Besides several accounts of pedestrians being struck by oncoming traffic while playing the game, the LA Times reported in July that two men were so focused on searching for creatures that they fell off an ocean bluff. We may shake our heads and laugh about their situation, but how many of us are distracted by our phones during our alone time with God? It may even be in the middle of church that we feel the urge to scroll through our phones and see what other people are doing. I'm not against technology. But I am concerned that we are allowing technology to derail us from our ultimate purpose.
Misplacement of our attention will affect our relationship with God. God wants to be in relationship with us, but what’s dangerous about distractions is that they place a barrier between us and God. There’s a malfunction. We no longer hear His voice clearly. That’s why our alone time with Him is more important than that text message or who we are following. When there’s a malfunction in our relationship with God, Instagram, Snapchat, and Periscope become our number one go to guide. We place God in the background and give credence to mini-gods.
Singles, in this season of your life, the temptation to fill your time with things that have no eternal value will surely come. Don’t give in to the temptation, which sometimes disguise itself as trends. Seek first the kingdom of God, and watch Him satisfy your every need.
Time for a Self-Check
Whether you believe Pokémon Go is good or bad, one thing is for certain. It captured our attention this summer. For some it became an obsession in the same way that social media is an obsession for many of us. Whatever your “thing” may be, do a self-check. Check who is the lord of your life. This area may seem innocent and trivial, but this could be the very tool the enemy uses to get your gaze off the One who has all power. During your season of waiting, counterfeits, tests, opportunities, and disappointments will come. That’s life. However, we cannot afford to be like the children of Israel who entertained distractions to the point of missing out on their blessing.
As always, I’ve included some journal activities you can do in your own personal time. These activities should help you dig a little deeper into the areas in your life that still need thoughtful consideration and work.
Stay blessed and fabulous!
Your sister in Waiting,
Journal Questions:
What is the one social media distraction you cannot live without? Why?
Do a self-check. What areas in your relationship with God are malfunctioning? What areas are thriving? How do you know?
What distraction do you need to let go of? If you haven't done it yet, why not?