3 Ways We Struggle to Trust God
We’ve finally made it to the halfway point of 2016. Some of you may have started out the New Year with promises of a “new year, new me,” but as we are now in the month of June, what is your life really reflecting? What goals have you met and what new ventures have you stepped into?
What’s unique about resolutions is that they are usually written during a period of excitement and expectation. Unfortunately, that initial excitement isn’t enough to sustain you during difficult times. Anyone can write a list of goals at the beginning of the year, but can you trust God throughout the process of getting to the end of the year? As your season of waiting has continued, how has your trust in God held up?
The gift of the wait
The greatest gift “the wait” provides us is the ability to see ourselves as we really are. The longer you have to wait, the easier it is to see the areas where you may be inclined to rush or cut corners. You may even be able to see the mountain that keeps blocking you from achieving your vision.
As much of a blessing that the wait can be in our lives, stubborn behavior, an unbelieving heart, and an unteachable spirit will keep us in our wilderness longer than God originally intended. After all, it was disbelief that made the children of Israel spend 40 years wandering around the same area, ultimately missing out on their blessing (Numbers 14). It is easy for us to look at our struggles and lose heart. Don't. The children of Israel were so close to their victory, but because they didn't fully trust and obey God, they missed out. It would be the next generation that inherited the land. Don't let that be your story. Let's uncover some of the obstacles we need to overcome in order to truly become women of purpose.
3 ways we struggle to trust God’s direction for our life
I have seen many people break down the word fear into the acronym: False Evidence Appearing Real. We often give more power to our own imagination and self-doubt than to the author and finisher of our faith. There are several places throughout the Bible where God instructs us to fear not, but the best example of what a lack of faith looks like is in the story of Peter, when Jesus called him to walk on the water. He took that initial step of faith and stepped out of the boat, but when he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at his situation, fear overtook him, and he began to sink.
“Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. ‘You have so little faith,’ Jesus said. ‘Why did you doubt me?’”
Our season of waiting must be filled with faith, and fear is the greatest hinderance to faith. In order to move forward in victory, we have to kick the spirit of fear. Of course because we are human, fear may be our first response, but in order for us to achieve greatness and purpose, we cannot live there.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
Many of us believe we cannot move into the next chapter of our lives until everything is perfectly lined up and all our ducks are in a row. This is not true. This belief actually leads to procrastination. God calls us even in our mess. We may not have finished college, our finances may not be on par with others in our age bracket, or we may not be as “polished” as some people we know, but that does not mean that God cannot use us where we are.
When we procrastinate, we are telling God we do not trust in His perfect plan for us. We are saying that we would rather wait until He does “better” in our lives before we take the risk. This leads to stagnancy, which is the most egregious aspect of procrastination. It gives us a safety net to do nothing in our wait and hampers our growth.
But God calls the unqualified. He really does. Moses had a speech impairment, but it was through his obedience to God’s direction that he was able to boldly declare the word of the Lord, and the children of Israel were able to escape bondage (read Exodus 14 for this complete story). We serve a God that believes in our transformation, and transformation requires forward movement. When our minds are being transformed and renewed, that means that we are making a daily effort to live and reflect Christ in our lives. Waiting is about action. You may not see how everything will come together, but if you move in trust, what God has birthed in you in terms of purpose will lead you into a greater destiny than if you had stayed on the sideline waiting for the perfect time and opportunity.
“When the Lord makes it clear you’re to follow Him in this new direction, focus fully on Him and refuse to be distracted by comparisons with others.”
Comparison is a distraction (Tweet that!). I’m going to let that sit right there so it can sink into your mind. Comparing yourself to someone else is saying to God, “You got it right with that person, but you do not know what you are doing with me”. It’s saying, “God, your blessings aren’t good enough.”
I never thought God would lead me to blog about my shortcomings for the world to read. I never imagined my journal entries would be a part of my purpose in serving others. There are insecurities I face every time I write these posts for you, especially because like many of you I am still waiting for my husband. I’m not writing from a place of, “I’ve been through it and now I have the family and life that I’ve envisioned”, but I’m sharing from a place of being in the trenches myself. That can make it very easy for me to compare my life to others; to wish I had what they had or to compare my now to their victory. But comparison is a dangerous game to play, because it typically gives root to envy.
“Envy: a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by another’s desirable possessions or qualities, accompanied by a strong desire to have them for oneself.”
Whenever I feel the inclination to compare myself to others, I immediately go to Jeremiah 1:5, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart.” I’ve talked a lot about purpose this year. Your purpose is intricately tied to your gifts. There is a calling that is unique to each of us individually. No one can fulfill it the way you can. The world needs the gifts God planted deep inside of you; YOU are a gift to this world. Whatever God has purposed you to do, there is a need for it. Your job is to trust His direction and let Him lead.
God’s Word: the lamp unto your feet
Someone in this world is waiting for you to move past fear, procrastination and comparison and to trust God. Now, that doesn’t mean that once you do your path will be paved in gold or that you’ll be walking down Easy Street, but it does mean that you will have finally reached a place where your level of faith is not tied to what you see, but in whom you serve and trust.
Do not get discouraged as you wait. God has fully equipped you with everything you need to live out your purpose. Seek out the resources He’s provided for you to help improve your situation. Start by meditating on His word.
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
As you meditate on God’s word, you will experience transformation in your life. With every road block and trial comes an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and bring clarity to your ability to see your own spiritual progress.
Let’s make it happen
Choose today to make the last six-months of 2016 about progress. Walk in boldness, kingdom authority and reverence for God. As you wait, move. Don’t just resolve to become busy, but be purposeful. Let go of what you thought your life should be so that you can receive something greater: the purpose God Almighty designed specifically for you. Jesus died so that we may be free from sin and walk in kingdom-purposed authority. Don’t let His sacrifice be in vain.
You have the ability to press past your fear, procrastination and comparison, because your Father has made His Spirit available to help you. You are uniquely gifted and called for greatness. Even in this season of waiting, you are destined to do amazing things. I’m excited to see our progress before this year is through!
Stay blessed & fabulous
You sister in Waiting,
Journal Activity:
Go back to your list/vision boards from January and write down the areas where you feel you’ve allowed fear, procrastination, or comparison to hinder you. Dust yourself off, and keep pressing forward. Take a moment to jot down your next steps and give yourself a timetable in which each item needs to be completed. Reach out for help when needed, and trust that God has amazing things in store for you in this season.
Daughters of the King (online devotional: http://www.dot-k.com/