My friends and the Co-Founders of, Jamal and Natasha Miller, are hosting a fully online event called, The Online Single’s Conference (TOSC). It is a 2 day LIVE conference with over 15 sessions to transform your single season by helping you heal from your past, make the most of your present, and prepare you for your future.
Read MoreI was driving in my car the other day when a combination of emotions from that morning and all the unanswered questions I had from God began to boil up inside of me. The next thing I knew, Worry had entered my car and was sitting beside me. But this wasn't the first time that Worry had been a passenger in my vehicle. It's actually more like Worry is a close companion of mine.
Read MorePeople show you who they are every day. Well, at least they show you who they want you to see. They show you their mask that portrays whatever character they want to be or whatever game they want to play. One might say that I'm a pro at spotting a good game. I'm a New Yorker. Game spotting is part of my DNA (smile).
Read MoreHave you ever looked at yourself in a broken mirror? No matter where you look, the fractured shards of glass reveal a reflection that is not whole, but is equally broken.
Read MoreAs I sat with a friend and complained about how hard the latter part of 2015 had been for me, she listened for a while before gently responding, "Maybe your 2015 would not have been so hard if you had just done what God instructed you to do." Ouch! You see, God had called me to tell my story and create this blog, but I was too focused on my own limitations.
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